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My-Jason 發表於 2014-2-16 15:06

回顧 Susan Boyle !

[i=s] 本文章最後由 My-Jason 於 2014-2-16 16:35 編輯 [/i]

人不能只光看外表,而忽略了人的內涵(小 看一個人的潛力)!
讓我們回顧 Susan Boyle 用行動告訴我們的事!



演場者 Susan Boyle

[b][size=4][color=Purple]I dreamed a dream 我曾有夢[/color][/size][/b]

[b][size=4][color=Magenta]I dreamed a dream in time gone by /  我夢到往日的一個夢
When hope was high / 那時充滿希望
And life worth living / 生命有價值
I dreamed that love would never die / 我夢到愛永不凋零
I dreamed that God would be forgiving / 我夢到上帝是寬容的
Then I was young and unafraid / 那時我仍年輕無懼
And  [color=Red]d r e a m s [/color]  were made and used and wasted  / 只會虛擲夢想
There was no ransom to be paid / 而無需付出代價
No song unsung, no wine untasted / 無歌不唱,無酒不嚐
But the tigers come at night / 老虎卻在夜晚降臨 (指現實危機)
With their voices soft as thunder / 低吼如雷的聲音來到
As they tear your hope apart / 他們將你的希望撕裂
And they turn your dream to shame / 他們讓你的夢想幻滅
And still I dream he'll come to me / 我仍夢想情人歸來
That we will live the years together / 與我共渡美好餘生
But there are  [color=Red]d r e a m s[/color] that cannot be / 但那是無法實現的夢想
And there are storms we cannot weather / 那是我們無法捱過的暴風雨
I had a dream my life would be / 我曾夢想著我的人生
So different from this hell I'm living / 回到現實 我卻如地獄般的生活
So different now from what it seemed / 差距之大 我無法想像
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.  / 如今現實生活已經扼殺了我昔日的夢想[/color][/size][/b]

[b][size=5][color=Blue]悲慘世界  /(孤星淚) Les Misérables[/color][/size][/b]   法國作家  維克多·雨果(Victor-Marie Hugo)




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