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Justbow:31 發表於 2014-5-27 20:06





Tried to write a letter
To tell you how I feel
All I kept on writing
Was slippin' on the tears from the day
An' I was young and brave

Now all these hotel lobbies
Are filled what's to me?
Lonely midnight drivers
Driftin' out to sea, yea
And all those late night lovers
Don't make things better to me

So let it roll in me
Let it roll in you
Let it roll in me
Let it roll back into when I had you

Now I watch the snow come calling
An' I celebrate the spring
I feel the falls keep falling
An' when the summers come
I will pretend that I don't notice
This is when I notice most of all

Let it roll in me
Let it roll in you
Let it roll in me
Let it roll back into when I had you

Is all you ever wanted from me
Was the time to understand and
All I ever wanted from you
Was to see me shinin' for you
An' I wish that I could be back
In the day that I could say

Let it roll
Let it roll in me
Let it roll
Let it roll in you
Let it roll back into when I had you

管妹(工程部) 發表於 2014-5-27 20:43

[b]回覆 [url=http://www.sexlovefree.net/sexforum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=837218&ptid=69411]1#[/url] [i]Justbow:31[/i] [/b]

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