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rock#28 發表於 2016-12-23 21:04





rock#28 發表於 2017-1-8 11:38

如果能遇到像這麼sweet 的求愛方式,那真的是太可愛了。


You got that thing that I been looking for  [color=Olive][b]你擁有我朝思暮想的東西[/b][/color]
Been running around for so long [color=Olive][b]為此我已飢渴多時[/b]
Now I caught you, I won't let you go [color=Olive][b]現在被我逮到,哪兒都逃不了[/b]
You got that thing that I been looking for [color=Olive][b]你擁有我朝思暮想的東西[/b]
And you got a heart full of gold [color=Olive][b]還有,你真的很悶騷[/b]
And that's really turning me on [color=Olive][b]這會害我慾火焚身[/b]

You are, you are, you are, you are, you are [color=Olive][b]你阿,你阿[/b]
Everything that I dreamed of, now we can paint a picture [color=Olive][b]從頭到腳都是我夢寐以求,咱們可以開始尋歡作樂[/b]
You are, you are, you are, you are, you are [color=Olive][b]你阿,你阿
[/b]Making my life much greener, yeah yeah [color=Olive][b]為我的生活注入活水[/b]
Just say you feel the way that I feel [color=Olive][b]快說你也有一樣的感覺[/b]
I'm feeling sexual, so we should be sexual [color=Olive][b]我開始想歪了,讓我們做點色色的事情吧[/b]
Just say you feel the way that I feel [color=Olive][b]快說你也有一樣的感覺[/b]
I'm feeling sexual, so we should be sexual [color=Olive][b]我開始想歪了,讓我們做點色色的事情吧[/b]
You got something that I ain't seen before [color=Olive][b]你擁有我前所未見的玩意兒[/b]
You've opened a million doors [color=Olive][b]你激發了全身的感官[/b]
[/b]All I can say is I adore you [color=Olive][b]我能做的只有表達對你的崇拜[/b]
You got something that I ain't seen before [color=Olive][b]你擁有我前所未見的玩意兒[/b]
Hold me cause baby, I'm yours [color=Olive][b]抱住我吧!寶貝,我是你的了[/b]
Oh, I can't wait until we get home [color=Olive][b]噢,怎麼還沒到家?[/b]
You are, you are, you are, you are, you are [color=Olive][b]你阿你阿[/b]
Everything that I dreamed of, now we can paint a picture [color=Olive][b]從頭到腳都是我夢寐以求,咱們可以開始尋歡作樂[/b]
[/b]You are, you are, you are, you are, you are [color=Olive][b]你阿,你阿
[/b]Making my life much greener, so I wanna say yea... [color=Olive][b]為我的生活注入活水[/b]
Just say you feel the way that I feel [color=Olive][b]快說你也有一樣的感覺[/b]
I'm feeling sexual, so we should be sexual [color=Olive][b]我開始想歪了,讓我們做點色色的事情吧[/b]
Just say you feel the way that I feel [color=Olive][b]快說你也有一樣的感覺[/b]
I'm feeling sexual, so we should be sexual [color=Olive][b]我開始想歪了,讓我們做點色色的事情吧[/b]
I don't know what you done but I can't get enough [color=Olive][b]我不知道你做了什麼,但我還要更多[b][/b][/b]
Cause you give me that rush, I don't want it to stop [color=Olive][b]你的進攻令我欲罷不能[/b]
Just say you feel the way that I feel [color=Olive][b]快說你也有一樣的感覺[/b]
I'm feeling sexual, we should be sexual [color=Olive][b]我現在好想要,讓我們來做愛吧[b][/b][/b]
Just say you feel the way that I feel [color=Olive][b]快說你也有一樣的感覺
[/b]I'm feeling sexual, we should be sexual [color=Olive][b]我現在好想要,讓我們來做愛吧[/b]

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前輩/學長 常在說:「師父領進門,修行看個人。」

建議新進會員 在約砲前請先參考您學長與學姊的【約砲秘笈】你就能漸入佳境


在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們註冊1天交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、

在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們2-3 天 就交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、

在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們 2-3 週 就交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、

在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們 2-3 月 也交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、

在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們 2-3 年 也交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、


如果有人2-3年還交不到滿意的密友炮友 就快來向學長/學姊學習"【約砲技巧】"

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