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ABao2 發表於 2017-3-20 03:14

[MV]Rag`n Bone Man - Skin

When I heard that sound
When the walls came down
I was thinking about you
About you
When my skin grows old
When my breath runs cold
I'll be thinking about you
About you

Seconds from my heart
A bullet from the dark
Helpless, I surrender
Shackled by your love
Holding me like this
With poison on your lips
Only when it's over
The silence hits so hard

'Cause it was almost love, it was almost love
It was almost love, it was almost love

When I heard that sound
When the walls came down
I was thinking about you
About you
When my skin grows old
When my breath runs cold
I'll be thinking about you
About you

When I run out of air to breathe
It's your ghost I see
I'll be thinking about you, about you
It was almost love, it was almost...

We bleed ourselves in vain
How tragic is this game?
Turn around, I'm holding on to someone
But the love is gone
Carrying the load, with wings that feel like stone
Knowing that we nearly fell so far now
It's hard to tell

Yeah we came so close, it was almost love
It was almost love, it was almost love

When I heard that sound
When the walls came down
I was thinking about you
About you
When my skin grows old
When my breath runs cold
I'll be thinking about you
About you

When I run out of air to breathe
It's your ghost I see
I'll be thinking about you, about you

While I reached out for your hand
When the walls were caving in
When I see you on the other side
We can try all over again

When I heard that sound
When the walls came down
I was thinking about you
About you
When my skin grows old
When my breath runs cold
I'll be thinking about you
About you

When I run out of air to breathe
It's your ghost I see
I'll be thinking about you, about you

'Cause it was almost love, it was almost love
It was almost love, it was almost love


頁: [1]
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在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們 2-3 月 也交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、

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