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Phil Collins - Do You Remember

相信大家都曾有一段痛徹心扉的感情吧(當然 我指的是大部分的人囉

We never talked about it
But I hear the blame was mine
I'd call you up to say I'm sorry
But I wouldn't want to waste your time
Cause I love you, but I can't take anymore
There's a look I can't describe in your eyes
Yes we could try, like we tried before
When you kept on telling me those lies

Do you remember

There seemed no way to make up
Cause it seemed your mind was set
And the way you looked it told me
It's a look I know I'll never forget
You could've come over to my side
You could've let me know
You could've tried to see the distance between us
But it seemed too far for you to go

Do you remember

Through all of my life
In spite of all the pain
You know people are funny sometimes
Cause they just can't wait to get hurt again

Tell me do you remember

There are things we won't recall
Feelings we'll never find
It taken so long to see it
Cause we never seemed to have the time
There has always something more important to do
More important to say
But "I love you", wasn't one of those things
And now it's too late

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