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Together we will chiong   On and onand on

Till the break of dawn   Through allthe times we had

Whether they good or bad   We havestood together as comrades

Day in day out training under the sun  Form all walks of life

We have bonded as one   Thesememories I’ll hold forever

We’re not just buddies   We are aband of brothers

OS:Now as a boy in Singapore , we have doneour thing

After finishing wonder what the future will bring   Will we still be close after time passes by

Or is really the time when we say goodbye  Nobody really knows but as time goes

We all realise what matters is that  We were bros at one point in time

We were all we had   Shareeverything from soap bread

Some of us will go to SCS   And Someof us will go to OCS

But you know it really doesn’t matter who’s the best   Cause at the end of the day we represent thesame crest

I confess no less this is one of life’s tests   Braving through the rain while we serve NS

And what we gain are moments that will flash as memories   That remind us of when were soldiers when wefeel breeze

From strangers to friends to brothers from buddies   Two years of our time can’t what to ORD

But don’t get me wrong when I sing this song   Cause this is truly where I belong

From strangers to friends to brothers from buddies   Form ah boys to men can’t wait to ORD

Buddies get me wrong when I sing this song   That why me are marching singing this song

And whoever would have thought we would be this close   I know the memories and good times we willmiss the most

Went form strangers to friends to brothers from buddies   Kena confined in camp together doing guardduty

Andwe know it’s duty but it feels so sian   WhenI can’t book out to see my girlfriend


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