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No no
Yeah yeah

You look in my eyes
And I get emotional
I know it's crazy but
You still can touch my heart
And after all this time
You'd think that I
Wouldn't feel the same
But time melts into nothing
And nothing's changed

I still believe, someday you and me
Will find ourselves in love again
I had a dream, someday you and me
Will find ourselves in love again

Each day of my life
I'm filled with all the joy
I could find
You know that I am not the desperate type
If there's one spark of hope left in my grasp
I'll hold it with both hands
It's worth the risk of burning
To have a second chance

No, no, no, no, no, nooo I need you baby
I still believe that we can be together
Ooooohoh no no nooo
If we believe that true love never has to end
Then we must know that we will love again

I still believe, someday you and me
Will find ourselves in love again
Oh baby, yeah yeah
I had a dream, you and me
Will find ourselves in love
(I still believe)
Oh baby I do
(Someday you and me)
Just give me one more time
And love
I had a dream, someday you and me
Will find ourselves in love
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前輩/學長 常在說:「師父領進門,修行看個人。」

建議新進會員 在約砲前請先參考您學長與學姊的【約砲秘笈】你就能漸入佳境


在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們註冊1天交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、

在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們2-3 天 就交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、

在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們 2-3 週 就交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、

在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們 2-3 月 也交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、

在 SexLoveFree論壇裡面> 這些男會員們 2-3 年 也交到 滿意的女密友 女炮友了、


如果有人2-3年還交不到滿意的密友炮友 就快來向學長/學姊學習"【約砲技巧】"
