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《新兵正傳》電影主題曲-Recruit's Anthem
Recruit's Anthem 動態歌詞 / 主唱 : 張智揚
Ah Boy to Men serving two years
從男孩到男人 服兩年兵役
for our nation, our country with blood, sweat and tears
為祖國 為國家 付出血汗和淚水
we’ll be marching on with pride and glory
我們將會 帶著自豪和榮耀的步伐
because we love our land and want it to be free
因為熱愛這片國土 確保她自由獨立
from Ah Boys To Men serving two years
從男孩到男人 服兩年兵役
for our nation, our country with blood, sweat and tears
為祖國 為國家 付出血汗和淚水
we’ll be marching on with pride and glory
我們將會 帶著自豪和榮譽的步伐
from BMT to POP to ORD ORD LO!
從基本軍訓 到完成軍訓 到退伍 退伍嘍 !
As a boy in Singapore you gotta do your thing
作為新加坡的男孩 這是你的義務
step up and serve the country gotta do your thing
挺身而出 保家衛國 是你的義務
5 BX every morning has become a routine
晨練 早晨的體能訓練 是沒得改變
wonder why I gotta serve once I turn 18!
我自問為何得當兵 當我18歲
From a head full of hair shave it all
全部頭髮 還得剃光光
everytime strength training kena medicine ball!
每次訓練後 都還得吃藥
Suddenly introduced o my brand new WIFE!
突然間 取了個 老婆
and I promise to protect her
丟 了 命
I train so hard for my SOC
訓練個半死的 標準障礙
but I forgot to train for my I P P T!
卻忘了還有 個人體能測試
So my PC told me WAH!
排長說 哇
you damn unlucky ah!
this week you have to stay back FOR RT!
這個星期你得留下 額外 體訓
Now I can’t book out and I’m really damn sian
不能回家的心情 太沮喪
I’m just a RECRUIT!
我不過是 新兵
So I really BOBIAN! But what’s left to do is
我又能怎樣 只好咬緊牙關
to carry on going for 2 YEARS
撐下去 就這樣 兩年裡
of our lives everyday we are growing from
我們 每天成長 從
Ah Boy To Men serving two years
男孩到男人 服兩年兵役
for our nation, our country with blood, sweat and tears
為祖國 為國家 付出血汗和淚水
we’ll be marching on with pride and glory
我們將帶著自豪 和榮耀的步伐
because we love our land and want it to be free
因為我們熱愛國土 確保她自由獨立
Ah Boy To Men serving two years
男孩到男人 服兩年兵役
for our nation, our country with blood, sweat and tears
為祖國 為國家 付出血汗和淚水
we’ll be marching on with pride and glory
我們將帶著自豪 和榮耀的步伐
from BMT to POP to ORD
從基本軍訓 到完成軍訓 到退伍
as a boy in singapore you gotta do your thing
作為新加坡的男孩 這是你的義務
step up and serve the country gotta do your thing
挺身而出 保家衛國 是你的義務
we no longer have the time to lepak in town
我們再也沒有時間 到處鬼混打茫
lagi worst when we hear
更淒涼的是 聽到
and its sibei siong when we go OUTFIELD
最要命的是 野外訓練
sergeant always say nothing to do HIGHKNEEL!
副排長 開口閉口 沒事做 就警戒吧 !
training in the jungle is never easy
在森林裡的訓練 幾乎賠上老命
the weather so hot all of us feel dizzy
marching around with a fieldpack
Helmet, LPV and a body full of sweat
帶鋼盔 穿野戰服 全身濕漉漉
thats why it feels good when the cold wind blows
my friends and familyoh I miss you so
親愛的朋友和家人 我真的好想你們
But please don’t worry I know I know
但千萬別為我擔心 我已經感受到
with an aching in my heart where the river flows
got my rifle and my buddy I’m not alone
有步槍和伙伴相伴 我不孤單
can’t wait to book out and go back home!
只盼能早點 離營 回家去 !
From ah boys to men serving two years
男孩到男人 服兩年兵役
for our nation, our country with blood, sweat and tears
為祖國 為國家 付出血汗和淚水
we’ll be marching on with pride and glory
我們跨步前進 帶著自豪和榮耀
because we love our land and want it to be free
因為我們熱愛國土 確保她獨立自由
Ah boys to men serving two years
男孩到男人 服兩年兵役
for our nation, our country with blood, sweat and tears
為祖國 為國家 付出血汗和淚水
we’ll be marching on with pride and glory
我們跨步前進 帶著自豪和榮耀
From BMT to POP to ORD
從基本軍訓 到完成軍訓 到退伍