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標題: 人,因夢想而偉大。 [列印本頁]

作者: Apollo3    時間: 2016-4-15 15:44     標題: 人,因夢想而偉大。

這首歌找好久了,我一直以為是Infiniti的廣告歌,原來是Cerfiro的。呵呵~6 g" z% b/ x7 G: o) B+ e
( f# v* e6 F' y
當初還滿喜歡這首歌的~9 U; Y! o6 h% x; N- b: ?- E
  l% o- N  a: ^& c8 e' X; J
要在這艱難的時代生活~還要保有夢想~9 [' b  o, A/ P  t6 Q4 W( |, B& j

! o0 m* s1 c% Y3 T不斷規畫著未來藍圖~並且持續前進~真的是一件非常不容易的事情~
: a0 R6 F5 f" D- w
: C. c2 v0 Y& ~" i/ K- B2 I. W& n: l獻給~所有一起在工作崗位上默默打拼~帶領著一群員工一起實現夢想的領導者們~, t2 ?" K3 I" i& [- O

4 \( b. h3 ?7 {  c7 S--Straight From Your Heart--; v' w- U5 E: B( }8 P2 A" _
You bring your love to my life$ [% J& t( t! \
Through all my tears and my strife
# Y& c/ l4 V/ B/ {4 zYou're always giving and easy.
8 Y/ |, @/ C9 o# B. Q7 lYou took me to the
% |! A" {" e7 v- D7 V6 S% qSeventh heaven with your true love.6 M1 Q( E( D( X& q: D: w3 k- u' r
I feel that only you can heal) ~' W" M) U6 A3 o
The emtiness I've known5 t6 E. w* l" X& O  W& g
Your open door will show the way to truth.
% \+ o7 W& T1 t0 E7 `$ A6 W5 yStraight from your heart Light in the dark9 `8 w" `- B/ E. V2 {
The gift of your love' n: f& S7 P$ ^7 s0 q/ A
Shines on straight from your heart.. U, N8 l) [: G4 u  m, j) `
When days are dreary and blue I turn my faith unto you
, T4 Z% N7 w* e6 J8 v6 pYou give me hope for tomorrow.( g) A; Y2 V( W: `, k: I+ h
Your morning star will shine unto my soul forever.
& {. A& `3 _9 t1 A3 YThis gift of love you gave to me
# z$ H% ^' l( O* E8 h" Mwas just a dream before+ g2 }2 K- V  E7 h. e
I can't hold back this love I feel for you., n, l/ v, d6 c- m+ E' N
Straight from your heart; o6 ]2 e! f* F7 x  q
Light in the dark7 ?7 a8 E% {8 c0 [4 n" p' V4 V
...* j5 @4 v  ~- g1 t/ T
Straight from your heart
7 t. \7 S; |( i1 v7 zLight in the dark2 i/ H* L& f. N
  P1 x* F9 q& l6 l$ J. J- ]This gift of love you gave to me: Z8 q! ~0 z4 S: B/ A9 F7 K. K
Was just a dream before
  p/ M  F1 _+ ?4 o7 j& K* ?, T1 GI can't hold back This love& u. ]0 t7 C' p3 k) x# F# S0 {: B
I feel for you.
# R4 _4 Y0 a2 h6 G& r% QStraight from your heart
, ?# g% T& b7 @3 ^! |$ Olight in the dark- n+ V2 ?( k+ O# a; `; K  c8 J$ x4 F% I$ Z
0 c5 d& |  |/ i+ m! i3 u, j( i
[youtube]afpN6HiUS2g[/youtube]/ |* ]5 q7 c6 x1 W6 Y7 l0 M1 w1 a

  a9 ^! }9 D* B# [  p3 x! pCerfiro當年的廣告
( W/ X; p! a% o1 s. `! `' b6 \* _, |
+ V( H; F# F0 ]- f$ k[youtube]nXWOkz78aZI[/youtube]

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