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[MV] Like A Rolling Stone

[youtube]http://youtu.be/sjNjv15pweQ[/youtube]( O1 m4 d2 m0 \/ v+ {( [2 o
* M4 M3 K+ l3 I9 P# T' s
With no direction home) \" @' Y0 v* D
Like a complete unknown  m/ U5 h& c. T, V' B
Like a rolling stone( F% c1 X6 B* Z5 x+ [. k
- q- y+ d) o% Z. T0 b# C$ V" ]
Bob Dylan% h" ]/ R( c# o7 H, _
& ^6 u, L3 }" N成了一個叛逆的搖滾客: _; ~" w" R0 J$ w* i$ U
- H8 a! k1 `& E1 v2 ~7 H! G* C3 q
Once upon a time you dressed so fine; D7 }8 L" W; w: z, y) f; O' W0 V
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?
# H7 {1 W3 a% a- |2 x, u. nPeople'd call, say, 'Beware doll, you're bound to fall'
3 L% q9 o  i- m! b: SYou thought they were all kiddin' you9 D8 C- K* v1 e+ ~
You used to laugh about
: o( }+ \8 _( p/ l; q0 pEverybody that was hangin' out
! g) @1 x% M+ r# p% oNow you don't talk so loud
5 T" S! h! h3 H0 _" g0 ZNow you don't seem so proud
7 A1 C& k# r1 T  a; e* KAbout having to be scrounging for your next meal.7 o5 h% w, o4 J( A7 ^

; E! X7 B/ K5 a5 MHow does it feel
3 O0 A) p, `3 T8 GHow does it feel
8 _  a  [$ S9 \* VTo be without a home
& |3 o7 ]5 n% x; J6 KLike a complete unknown
) a8 t9 V+ m( g7 _' i; Q$ m7 [Like a rolling stone  O  ]# B% J' }, X  C# j! v

7 t0 q! m# B0 u" M( O, k8 N# V* ]1 Y; K他是抗議歌手代言人,
- t1 ^7 V  J# j* R4 ~* V3 g* G也是背棄傳統左派歌謠的「猶大」,/ y2 a4 W% y7 ~; o7 n, Z* {
6 S, a6 h0 y6 [( ~' y) P" Q$ b1988年進入美國搖滾名人堂,
  o8 _  Q/ V; K3 ?& i他的過往、事蹟、分析網路上太多太多。
) y) X( F* ?6 S# O
# ~2 `. l: G6 A% QYou used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat
* U2 Z" {$ F; l: q2 kWho carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat1 p4 l4 P) w. M/ F$ _' J$ k/ \
Ain't it hard when you discover that. D* P8 v  }! r9 ^  j4 t- \
He really wasn't where it's at
! @1 U$ r( n- L/ RAfter he took from you everything he could steal.
. K7 q  q3 P+ {  Y( C  j6 ~) U& d6 B- M* P1 f) E- y* J* G" I+ r
How does it feel
  i1 Q( v# v: y& _% r( q  tHow does it feel
- }* j- D. J7 f* GTo be on your own
( {5 X9 a) b2 r* V8 @( BWith no direction home
" Z* c( }9 o3 d: [6 p0 rLike a complete unknown
) ~/ [7 ?7 F4 _5 p6 P. ?Like a rolling stone?9 M& b; Z; F* S5 B

, i) _* l2 q9 C說說這條六分多鐘的歌,% i; D, @" M, A6 _+ c4 m" L
3 u. H' Z% R: g8 J% M6 F& JBob Dylan的文本本就隱晦、9 H) o8 \" l& Q1 y
藏著非常多的謎題、玩笑、密語、多層文意,. P% V$ c% i' }3 Z. Y
7 }. o% Z* }/ F不過其實我想這歌裡面的女主角(you)其實是指他自己。
' c0 W5 C+ I! b0 |; F
2 l3 C) D5 p. a( Q; K' ^Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people
! x; K/ f2 q8 gThey're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made
% q+ z6 t: U( C4 y5 ]' tExchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things
& Y$ {& ^+ h% H2 ^( [But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe
$ R9 ~9 {" W' R  t* c% tYou used to be so amused
% I5 w5 Q' U2 z+ s7 P5 h; D  MAt Napoleon in rags and the language that he used; D: E; _. T7 t" o& Z
Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse
$ u5 W7 A. @6 S  t* {5 w* ^When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose) p1 H3 e( a: ^  g% r
You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.- @$ y) ]/ n$ v+ ~+ d

$ `- `1 K" p" q8 O! {$ L( u1 fHow does it feel* Q: d- X6 M( h$ G& i
How does it feel+ ^9 b8 Q4 T" Y9 n; m0 \+ g
To be on your own/ l+ A5 ~" i* W8 u3 S
With no direction home% `# C7 g, B. V! O
Like a complete unknown
  S: J9 y, c8 D, T& DLike a rolling stone
4 T- h% v! K: Z/ B2 ^# D
$ G  P" l* }( Q$ Z) w只是0 \4 V  u0 a' s! o* X
我每次騎車吹風時間! o" C; v4 r/ _8 y, R5 B1 q6 w
" m& C: \0 |  b3 n6 _- B/ q7 \迎著風
; ?4 g* P* e6 t  T. N" T4 D0 C心情很好' y& t. c# d0 D. d; H
7 {7 b# X9 c% r3 \& I' D舒服極了& O8 V2 g" K1 M- G. s3 x% z$ r
9 }; Y' a7 i3 V9 _$ Z/ O
歌的結尾3 w% n/ H+ [/ Z) {& u' T
you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe8 l! u; i% |* O) O
When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose5 I, \+ S" V' E' i/ ]
You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal" U- g/ ]3 O) G
/ w' X) \3 |/ `0 D8 H5 X& B5 J
讓我想到了; {7 e% g) u* X( S
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose0 s# |: t5 j* V7 G8 i
4 o, z; R  |) S% Y
# b! p0 j2 U2 J8 H  ^0 I# t  g其實他只是想唱自己的歌
3 C1 k- V* s. d4 D  U
2 ]2 u* E6 [+ R9 d"我不想再為任何人寫歌,
. z+ L! d5 j" t% a/ o. T, X不想成為甚麼代言人。
$ u" @2 O; g- T5 A我只想從我的內在出發寫歌……") O0 T3 F" _: w  [5 y+ G  u7 O


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