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很多怪現像,使這幅畫在網上很出名。據說即使在電腦上看也有部份人事後出現幻覺。有人解釋為油畫的色彩構圖等造成光學錯覺並出現幻覺。也有很多人說純粹是心理作用。2 C! e3 k# U5 t
" L6 J' @+ Y' i% j8 t0 @首個網站部份原文:. @- K8 W+ x. [- q( e. K5 |% X$ D6 f
"The reactions to viewing the painting are varied and strange, people report of feeling ill and passing out, having strange visitors in the night, children crying in horror when seeing the pictures and some people are even too afraid to look at the pictures. " |, D7 w, J/ i6 Y
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$ S2 w' ]6 O2 ~% W% GPS.此圖為JPG檔 不是嚇人的東西~"~